The Level I exam consists of 180 multiple choice questions, split between two 135-minute sessions . With an option to take a break
Fees are $450, paid only once upon registration for the first time
Fees are $940 for early registration and $1240 for standard registration
The CFA Level I exam is held four times per year in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov.
To be able to register for the exam, you must:
The first step is to have an account on the institute’s website. If you don’t know how, you will find the steps in Scholarship registration procedures
Choose “Exam Selection” and select either June or December
Your CFA Institute ID will automatically appear, once you create your account. The ID remains the same throughout the program. You must keep your ID and password in a safe place in case you forgot it.
Choose “Egypt”
(if not available, leave it blank)
(in details)
(if not available, leave it blank)
(leave it blank)
(Choose “Egypt”)
(Same as your passport)
write the rest of your name fully in English same as your passport, for the institute wants to make sure of your identity
In worst cases, if you write name incorrectly, you can change it a while before the exam. If you don’t have a passport, you can type your name and fill the same name in the passport application
(don’t make any changes)
(Bachelor’s Degree/Final Year)
(Click “Accept” for accepting the institute’s terms and conditions)
(Professional behavior such as a suspension from work, dismissal or a criminal penalty; choose “NO”)
You will be asked to enter a secure code or CVV, the 3 numbers written on the back of the card, and this is also your signature.
Now, you have successfully registered.